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The Genesis of the Plan

Ok, it's easy to say that you have a grand plan but, unless you show people how to connect the dots, nobody's going to listen long, are they? If you don't know my story, this is all part of a plan to get over a near fatal case of depression by living an interesting life, a life in fact so interesting that Seth Rogen will want to play me in the movie version of my memoir, Sweet Oblivion, Tomorrow Sweetwater's Odd Odyssey into Oblivion.

Here's how it works...

Step 1. Become happy, in my case this required what I call an intentional dissociative episode or what is known in mysticism/writer's craft as ego death, it's a rough process when you have to admit that everything you've been trying to accomplish hasn't meant anything, you're just not getting better. Basically I decided to become the corporeal form of Tom Sweetwater, Imagineer, this meant that I'd simply channel my inner artist and figure out what comes next using Tom's inspired creativity. I've been in many different types of advertising positions over the years from used car sales to magazines and signs so I know a little about the tricks of the trade. I knew that what I had was a bankable premise in the most lucrative demographic, males 18-35, a wacky journey of self-discovery and hi-jinx . But it's only worth money if it works, I must complete The Hero's Quest.

Step 2. Consider the options based on maximizing my unique personality, skill set and love of stoner comedy, the answer of course was write a book based on trying to get Seth Rogen to want to play me. In order to do that I asked myself, what would Karma do? Help people of course! So that became my all consuming mission in life and immediately I started to see strange coincidences that I termed "Confluence", occurrences which are a little too coincidental. I began to develop an undeniable faith that my story was going to be compelling, a tale of insanity and redemption.

Step 3. Refine the plan! I spit-balled all sorts of crazy ideas but the one I liked best was "The World's Most Massive Where's Waldo", the more I thought about it, the more the idea took shape, the more I was certain that I could make this happen. I'm a sign maker by trade so actually making the book is no problem, I'm a business owner so I could plan the logistics and I'm a media watcher so I could see that, with the right momentum this could become a global phenomenon. In researching who owned the rights to the Waldo brand I discovered that Point Grey Pictures were making a live action feature. Who owns Point Grey? Seth Rogen of course, confluence in action!

The key to success is in a statement of positive intention, as a nod to the movie Inception we began to call it Inceptionalization, the secret conspiracy to make the world a better place. Our intention is to convince 2 million people to do something that they've never done before, give money to charity and to think it was their own idea. We do this by offering them what they want most, engaging entertainment, an interactive interface with The World's Most Massive Where's Waldo book live via internet from anywhere in the world.


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