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The Brotherhood of the Mystic Wanderer

Alone in the woods with not much hope, I built a fire to warm myself and dry my gloves, fell asleep and burnt them to a crisp. Why I asked, why should I carry on?

I got no answer that night for my heart was filled with doubt, I knew the safety of my car wasn't nearly as far as my imagination made it seem but the snow was deep and I was beat. This was not the first time I'd hit the advanced stages of Fuck It however, I'd seen enough madness to know that it would all work out.


The wanderer understands the side that remains hidden, has humbly walked a noble path and been rewarded with a glimpse of what's to come. We may not understand, we definitely can't explain but, "as is true of all is true of some" {and vice versa in an unorthodox, relatively Taoist fractal manner of speaking but I digress}. Zany Janey tells me we're drawn to those who act like us, they become our peers, our social circle, our friends. The mystic wanderer is no different and Muskoka is buzzing with old souls, we great each other with gusto, as long held kinship, defiant of the ages, permeates the programing of our egos and allows us to communicate on a higher plane.

Believe what you will
Say as you like
Truth is eternal
And I have seen a light.

I am Pious, I am Tomorrow
I am The Signmaker, and my testimony is my own
We are the Brotherhood of the Mystic Wanderer
We are Lucifer


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