A Kid in a poor neighborhood's at the library where he finds a book on Buddhism that really appealed to him. As he starts to learn more he decides to set out to meet people who've met the Dalai Lama.
He made his way to New York where Richard Branson was giving a lecture, as Sir Dick came out of the lecture hall the young man got his attention, excused himself politely before asking, "What's it like to meet the Dalai Lama?" Branson gushed about how he was such a warm, wise and humble old soul. The young man thanked Branson and wished him well.
Next he made his way to Toronto where Bill Clinton was appearing, knowing that the secret service would not allow him to approach unannounced, he found an agent outside the gala. He explained what he was doing and the agent was able to pass the message up the line and Bill was only too happy to sit down with him for a minute.
What's it like to meet the Dalai Lama? Clinton told the young man that he was funny and playful, sage and humble, truly the spirit of what a leader should be. Over the next few years he continued to find ways to meet those who'd met the man, all painted the same serene picture of him.
Soon the tale of his quest began to spread, finally making it all the way back to Tibet where it was decided that every effort should be made to bring the young man to Tibet to meet the Dalai Lama in person. It took an insane amount of detective work to track him down but he'd made such an impression on people during his journey he was finally located in British Columbia where he spent his days working at the library or meditating in the woods.
It took a short hop across the Pacific and a long hike up the hill but soon he was in a monastery sitting before a genial old man.
The young hero, about to find the answer he seeks asks... "What's it like to meet Bono?"