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Manifesto Primo Di Tomorrow

The Norman Bethune Centre
for the Study of Ethics and International Relations

When I started my Odyssey, all I had was dubious faith {read that “devout agnostic”} and a concept: in order to get over my depression I'd simply live my life as my nom de plume, Tomorrow Sweetwater, after all, He was always happy.

The thought train went a little like this, and forgive me if this goes astray, when I was depressed my work was, well, let's use “not very good “ as a good euphemism. On the other hand, when I was happy, my work was inspired; I could write poetry, design anything, even make semi-pleasant sounds come out of my guitars or sax.

I'd tried everything that modern medicine and low budget psychology had offered yet I was still unable to do what needed to be done. Hindsight tells me that anxiety was what led me to become 320lbs and suicidal. I lived in 250 sq ft of squalor, reality TV type filth, I swear, but the an incident with my friend Kat made me realize I had something yet to do. I could still take one more run at the brass ring so to speak. {There's a racy version of that story but this is neither the time nor place}

Everything changed with one question... “What would Karma do?”
Help people of course!!

I describe the process as “an intentional dissociative episode”, it was somewhat cathartic; I had video, I recorded everything along the way but SuzieQ made sure I could never recover any of those videos, I hate Trolls. By the way, Trolls is the name I give to those who don't understand me and perform what I consider to be disrespectful acts like calling the cops to have me removed.

//begin Fredism\\ I often misunderstand those who misunderstand me and we each do ourselves a disservice. //end Fredism\\

It's funny, when you live by the motto “Always take the Moral high ground” and tell people exactly what your intentions are, many still don't want to afford you the time or trust to fully develop your designs. Very few of the residents of Muskoka seem to understand the concept of yin/yang power exchange, myself included, but at least I'm aware that such exists.

The plan was to write a book which, in turn, would lead to a movie deal and Oscars and my dream job, “Nobel Laureate”, all I had to do was live a life that was worthy of a Seth Rogen movie. Certainly sounds simple, right?

Actually, yes, it's really just a mash up of Inception and This is the End and it really is my surreal life with characters like my besty Noah Deare and his wife Sparky, Dr. Larry Gandolf and his wife who appears to be an important player joining the game. I am Tomorrow by the way, and this is my Manifesto, the foundation upon which we shall finally build a better civilization.

I've lived an interesting life, I have run two companies of my own and run companies for others from here to Riyahd, my friends include “Junk Buddhas” and Saudi princes, one of whom bailed me out at 2am when I tried to enter the country with an expired exit visa, fen tashirat zojatee? I've made much higher than market returns on the properties I've owned and renovated; I was a used car salesman while still a teenager, sold furniture and advertising space, schmata and stereos. I learned to frame houses and read blueprints from Jesus {He was just a disciple of Jesus to be honest but he was the coolest Christian I've had the pleasure to know {sorry Steph.}

It's a rather eclectic resume but the only thing I've ever been really good at was learning, until now that is.

So far, the only outwardly noticeable difference is that I've lost slightly over 100lbs, yes, I'm a fraction of the man I used to be 2/3 actually. Blue light special in aisle 3 Greg is now 34% off! But I digress; I've met many fascinating people over the last year, people who have opened my eyes to everything I was seeking, enlightened me and taught me that I have much to learn. I've discovered that my story is just a metaphor for everyone who's a victim of the global drama which is human civilization. Yes, that's you, whether you like it or not, try living without money for a while and you'll quickly understand.

Welcome to the start of the Post-Humanist Epoch

I am the sign-maker, I am Tomorrow {I was going to say “ and I AM Canadian” but not until M-C signs on the dotted line; T-dotted that is ;-}


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