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Yes, I said faith, not faith in yourself, that's only part of it. I'm talking that powerful brand of faith that comes from being a witness to the fact that the feeling in your heart and the things that happen in your life are inextricably linked.

We've been conditioned by western civilization to always go bigger; to always strive for greater human achievement, greater adventure and more knowledge. Every generation feels that they're on the brink of the next great leap in human understanding and ours is no different, just ask Sheldon Cooper.

Much has been said about what the specific trigger was that changed apes into people but the only thing we know for sure is that it gave "us" a definite advantage, otherwise I wouldn't be here talking @ you now. Ok, I'm not talking at YOU, I'm talking @ me because I'm pretty sure nobody's listening to this blog... but I digress, back to the discussion of how chimps turned into chumps.

I think of everything as a skit featuring Seth Rogen and friends, picture two early proto-hominid type dudes, this big dopey looking dude with thinning hair, we'll call him Dave, and this skinny one, they already know that when they eat the red berries they're not as scared and can hunt longer, they know which mushrooms to eat if they want to see the pretty lights and which mushrooms give you the squats. One day ; Dave took some red berries and purple mushrooms at the same time and, while he sat atop a hill watching his offspring roll big stones down the hill at their little sister, he started laughing his ass off. Thus humanity, comedy and bowling were all born.

God has a sense of humor it seems.

Dave went and grabbed the rest of his hunting buddies, sat them at the top of the hill with a handful of 'shrooms and coffee beans and they all had a great time. After hunting the next day they did the same thing and before long the other chimps started to want to join them but there wasn't enough room on the top of the hill for everyone to watch. 

The other chimps would bring gifts to be sure that they could get a seat on the hill, Dave no longer had to go out and hunt, all he had to do was let people watch his offspring try to kill each other and keep lots of 'shrooms and berries on hand. Thus, commerce came into existence, child abuse too because the boys got bored of knocking over their little sister and refused to perform so Dave gave them some sweet tree sap with a little 'shroom in it and miraculously bowling was fun again.

What that brilliant chimp learned that day was that if you give the boys something entertaining and exclusive not to mention addictive, they will give you stuff!


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