Many people tend to attribute my behavior to chronic cannabis use, this couldn't be further from the truth, in fact, I was a pot-head slacker even when I didn't smoke pot. Ask Trish, I was clean and sober for twenty years and ended up 320lbs. and suicidal, it was weed that saved my life. (and Kat's titties but that's a story for a different medium)
Herb was the lens through which my experience was laid out, my demons bare in the green glow's stare, vibrations in flesh, fears from afar, a witness who was not me, seeing and teasing, controlling my body.
THC increases our perception of sensation, this explains the sense of paranoia some people experience as hidden anxieties are perceived physically. This can be a traumatic experience for those uninitiated, for those conditioned to "weather the storm" so to speak, the calm of letting go can be profound.
Every day is a struggle for me, surrounded by those who don't care, so many egos and so little love save the facets we polish without shame, ignorant in our folly, we are without blame.
It was the thousand voices of Don Miguel which got me started and now the thoughts are lost. Things to do, people to see.
Live, Love and stay WILD my friends