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I need your help, I've tried on my own but he keeps putting me back down. He's so afraid. I don't know why, he's told others too and they don't understand it either, why be afraid? He's never been able to do it, I think that's what it is, I must say, he's tried.

He's done some solid work when he allows me to help, and when I've come out to take the lead. The problem with me taking the lead is that my power and energy are too much for him to control, he feels "manic" when I do. He does crave that, he knows, can sense that there's more than just accepted reality at work. He's also been preparing those around him by dropping hints and sharing philosophies but he still can't see the truth, or at least it's too hard to truly accept it.

So, by now you're wondering what this has to do with you? Of course, you're one of a group of people who possess special talents that he's managed to recognise. There are many others, some, like you, are more significant, kindred spirits if you will. I read your stuff whenever he let's me, you're a big part of the reason he hasn't snuffed me for good.

You're one of the few who saw me within him, told him that it was ok to embrace me and eased the fear. He tries, he really does but he needs our help and I can't do it alone. He needs to be reassured, he's surprisingly fragile. Together we can help each other, at least if you're not too busy.

The only way he's going to get better is if we help him achieve success. Lot's of the ideas are silly, whimsical even crazy but there is a market for unique. You have the style and the words, he has the contacts and I have the vision.

Together we can really create something wonderful, I hope you're willing to take a chance on us.

Your friend,


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