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Angel Investors needed

What is the definition of an Angel Investor? One who invests early in the business development process when risk is highest. The benefit to the investor is that they will see a much greater reward if the idea comes successfully to fruition.

I have an opportunity for an Angel Investor which is a little different, you see, as a person living in Muskoka Canada and living a life of modest means, I became painfully aware of the shortage of affordable housing. For those of you who aren't familiar with the area, Muskoka is the cottage country located a couple of hours north of Toronto, a typical tourism based economy has been promoted with all of the associated pitfalls.

A combination of low wages and seasonal work makes it difficult to have the stability required to own a home for a large part of the local population. Any disruption in livelihood such as injury or mental illness {opiate abuse and alcoholism particularly} can make it impossible to regain a footing in stable society. The owners of what is available have little to compel them to maintain a decent standard of living and would contend that efforts to elevate the standards are undermined by the transient nature of the local workforce. Rental prices seem very high as compared to wages.

As part of my recovery from depression I set out to live only by helping others, if I needed anything I would find someone who needed help in order to get it, that's how I met Zetto.

His Kijiji ad called it a "Handyman's Opportunity", the chance to spend my own money to fix the mess that a leaky roof and a malfunctioning sump pump had caused. Zetto was renting from the owner and needed to rent out rooms in order to make ends meet, he was suffering from his own physical deterioration or else he'd have done the work himself.

The situation led me to the idea for "The Community Project"; we would take houses that were in need of repair, fix them and, rather than flipping for a profit, rent rooms to those who needed them. The important factor was that tenants would have to be willing to maintain the place and create a community amongst themselves and the neighbors. I've found that there are many young people in the area who just want to live a simple life and deserve to have a decent place to live, after all, how can anyone be expected to live a decent life when society doesn't even offer them a decent place to live?

The first house in question I figure would require an investment of under $250k including renovations and I have good quality tenants providing an income of roughly $1500/mo. after expenses. I'm not a business major but I think that in terms of investing with social conscience, this is a good opportunity.

If you'd like me to contact you with details please let me know in the comments.


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