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Showing posts from 2016

The Reason for the Season

To the tune of Winter Wonderland Doorbells ring, are you listening  From here to Maine, the snow is glistening  When friends come in sight, the love and the light  You know that they're the reason for the season Come to stay is your brother, your baby sister and your mother  We'll all get along, the light our love song  You know that they're the reason for the season In the morning we'll share all our presents  As the children's faces light up bright  They'll say is it magic? We'll say yes sir! And that love will be with them for all their life Sing my song, to inspire  A love that burns, like the fire  The friends that we've made, for family we've prayed  You know that they're the reason for the season Lyrics by Tomorrow Sweetwater Copyright 2016 The Sweet Tom Fund. 


You are a fun I'm not a fun t You look me in the eye, so as you'd dare fun t Ha ha ha fun t Bla bla bla fun t Lend me your wife, then at least your son is not fun t You wear Cortjacken (fun t) You play Magic cards (fun t) You choose to marry zero hundred ninety and want You run to work with your too-tight tie (fun t) Your mother stripping for me to "Whoomp! (There It Is)" It's magic choir, I translated 'my' lumbago Your gear is wearing shoes with Velcro I wear topi in tropical swamp And fuck me to your wife testicles dull (fun t) You really are a tough banger With 20 years naked under sprinklers Your mother is so wet Gnu herds come and be eaten by alligators You have a reason to your face forgiven 

LKF The Donald Drinking Game

It's a little known fact that the Secret Service code name for Trump was "The Donald" whenever the limo pulled in someone talks into their wrist and says "We have The Donald" Every time an agent on duty put their hand to their ear and whispers "Duck" all the off-duty agents take a shot. It's the best White House drinking game since "Name that Stain". Live, Love and stay WILD my friends

Purposelessness of Existence. Here is the question: How can an atheist bear the purposelessness of existence? If you are convinced that there exists nothing beyond matter that would produce meaning in the absolute sense of the word, how can you bear the mere thought of having been thrown out as just an overdeveloped animal into this bloodcurdlingly random material world filled with suffering? Here is the answer:   I’m not sure about atheists exactly but I for one have looked at “ this bloodcurdlingly random material world filled with suffering” and decided that I should help people. Does that not negate your   “Purposelessness of existence”? You see, I serve a higher power than your God, I serve humanity. Live, Love and stay WILD my friends

The Bohemian Millennium

If we start from scratch, fabricate a new creation mythos based on our current understanding of science and the manifestations of reality which science is currently unable to understand.  What are the tenets of our new, enlightened millennium?

The Road to Manahattan

weneedd SNACKS!!!! (1/2 slice of Ziggy's Honey Maple Ham, on a Christies Hole wheat cracka, with a dash of @PChoice #old fashioned #creepy #dijon trying to #fartlikepatrick ) HIT THE ROAD jACK AND DON'T YA .COM bACK   (misheard lyrics on the 808  track)

The Perception of Transitive Temporal Anomalies in Humans

In order to make this thesis as relatable as possible I shall include (when available) links to further reading on the terms discussed. ( Wikipedia ) The neutrino has a resting or invariant mass near zero, so close in fact that it was assumed to be zero (as my father used to say “as close as shit is to damn”) but they won’t be found at rest very often.   I like to call them the “ADHD Particle” because they’re hyperactive and they can't seem to figure out who they are. You see neutrinos come in different lepton flavors (genders?) and they tend to transition from one to another in ways we don’t fully understand as of yet. The proof of this fact at the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory in Canada leads to the conclusion that neutrinos do in fact have mass. Flavors are not, however, important to this missive as it can be assumed that transitioning from one flavor to another would not alter the basic nature of the neutrino i.e. they possess invariant mass. Now, since ne