Mixed emotion tension spirit
Start an idea, full of promise
Side tracked and distracted and looped and refracted
But now again the importance appears
Of being me and forgetting my fears
I am the one, I have the plan
I will succeed people have come and people have gone
The ones I need will carry on
The vision the vision is sound and true
The effort immense from this day hence
A burden to share with those who have found me
A joy and a legacy for all who add their voice
A new direction, in success we'll rejoice
Start an idea, full of promise
Side tracked and distracted and looped and refracted
But now again the importance appears
Of being me and forgetting my fears
I am the one, I have the plan
I will succeed people have come and people have gone
The ones I need will carry on
The vision the vision is sound and true
The effort immense from this day hence
A burden to share with those who have found me
A joy and a legacy for all who add their voice
A new direction, in success we'll rejoice