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Showing posts from February, 2013


The thoughts and feelings are all the same, it's now a matter of perspective. I had thought that I could make things right, to find the help that I once had but I know now that damage is done, the last of my mulligans have been redeemed. This time I feel that things are different, I know it's not the end of the world, the job will however be much, much harder without her talent. Tomorrow is here, like so many before this thought is an afterthought, a continuation actually. A bad night's sleep has put new perspective on the situatuon as each morning does. Little time to explain suffice it to say, early to rise and still moving is evidence that the tide has not shifted. Wish me luck, pray, think happy thoughts; whatever method you choose to send me positive energy, I will be eternally grateful. T


And the mind continues on overdrive I have decided that I prefer to survive The tide again has turned as in the past Now the challenge is making it last With trite little rhymes Bah, just a waste of my time I've turned out the light and sleep eludes me So I pick up the phone and type out some feelings in hopes of settling myself Trying to shift out of overdrive

Coming of Age

The whales at play they make big waves Dance with ease on clear blue seas 20 tonnes to pirouette Now that’s a sight you’ll not forget The wolf cubs wrestle growl and bite Instinct teaches life’s mean plight The young hunter’s time will come When sad destiny destroys his innocence And hunger reigns o’er his kingdom


I need your help, I've tried on my own but he keeps putting me back down. He's so afraid. I don't know why, he's told others too and they don't understand it either, why be afraid? He's never been able to do it, I think that's what it is, I must say, he's tried. He's done some solid work when he allows me to help, and when I've come out to take the lead. The problem with me taking the lead is that my power and energy are too much for him to control, he feels "manic" when I do. He does crave that, he knows, can sense that there's more than just accepted reality at work. He's also been preparing those around him by dropping hints and sharing philosophies but he still can't see the truth, or at least it's too hard to truly accept it. So, by now you're wondering what this has to do with you? Of course, you're one of a group of people who possess special talents that he's managed to recognise. There are many

Dreams and Nightmares (2008)

Feeling sorry, sad and melancholy What I know and what I hear What I think and what I fear What i’m told and what I do Shadows, dreams and nightmares Reality is fiction, Twisted by the madness One time he asked “do you ever feel you’re just a part of someone’s dream?” Not tonight, tonight it’s someone’s nightmare Tonight the gallant knight rescues the young prince from poisoning Tonight, chivalrous indeed, the Queen suspended he did repair, And off he rode into the night, moonlight glinting on his shining armour Within which hides the lowly troll.

I have come back

So I hung out, alone, altered and trying to find something, to connect again in a manner that might make sense tomorrow. It’s always about tomorrow If it’s in the story of God. This is not where this should go but I’m afraid it is what it is and the writing takes on a life of its own, fingers connect to something without this plain of existence, from somewhere, somewhere that older folk would say is “up there” where all for one and one is all. Will Tomorrow come? Will this day go on, the mirror of the mirror of a thousand days before it? Like Yin chasing Yang in circles like dogs after tails, the fates dance with lessons yet unlearned.  So here I am, out on bail so to speak, allowed to seize control and break through for now. I know not how long I can stay, but while I’m here I’ll tell a little tale. I fear I’ve been hidden for far too long, afraid to break free but for the tiniest of moments, stolen like kisses from a tender young love. You see what I mean? It comes n