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The Exemplar ADD Day

The day started with a new product idea, hands down, the best I've ever had.
  •  I got up at a decent time yet still managed to arrive 10 minutes late for work.
  • I started my day knowing that I had to take control of the CAMH project and make sure that everyone had what they needed to get it done. With zeal and hyper-focus I attacked my day, juggling the education of my proteges, the need to advance my portion of the project and the needs of myriad other projects in the shop.
  • I had altercations or near altercations with no less than 5 individuals, (several of them twice)
  • I had a long debriefing with my boss to ensure that he understood where I was coming from and to assure him that I did realize that I was an asshole but also that I was working on it. I let him know a few of the ways he could help me by removing some of the little things bother me.
  • I got home, told my father about my idea, told him it would be my first million dollars, heard my mother say in the kitchen, speaking more to herself than me, "I thought that was going to be signs for the blind!" I went in and she turned and rolled her eyes skyward in disgust. I was so hurt, I don't know how a mother could be so disrespectful and discouraging to her own child. No, I haven't capitalized on a single one of the ideas I've been sharing with her since I was a boy but should I not still be able to expect support? I don't understand how DNA has given us so many of same characteristics, creativity included and yet allowed us or driven us to such odds on so many occasions.
Finally, the most important facet of ADD today, I worked 8 hours at the day job, had a 45min. debriefing, drove for an hour, walked, blogged and now I'm going to work on my ideas. Failure or success is irrelevant, the fact that we try is what separates the ADDers from the lazy slobs.


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