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Showing posts from May, 2011

Why is nothing easy?

Finally got a Blackberry, need to make it pay for itself Falling behind in my writing, major problem. Hey, why don't I use the blackberry to blog? Ok, start up the default browser and navigate to MysticFlux. Zoom in so it's readable, start blogging. Uh, why is this not working, trying to capitalize a letter doesn't work Oh well, use all lower case. Typo, backspace, what? lost my post?????? AAAAHHHH, I liked that one and now the thought is gone. There has to be a better way.

Arrogance, Ignorance, Bliss

I really should know better than to think that in the arena of deceit I could stumble upon something real Not real and meaningful, just real and convenient As the cycle progresses through it's pre-ordained path, I've done little to alter the course. I've whispered at the side of the road to warn the driver of that speeding car. Turn, there's danger ahead. LOOK AT ME! I'm making a difference. Eyes closed, brief bliss. It might have replaced a little of what's missing but castles made of sand melt into the sea, eventually.


What to say, what to say No idea what the thought is for today. Well, let's just discuss the concept of the self-fulfilling prophecy It's something I hate to admit but should out of decency Yes, it helps to create Yes, there's a desire to satiate The two go hand in hand There's only so much a man can stand If I must do the time I might as well enjoy the crime

Have I Confused You Yet?

I speak in circles as my thoughts swirl The random patter as thought trains scatter A boring melodrama, a boy, a girl Two meaningless specks who don't really matter Though no one will hear this story unfurl It will certainly rend a few lives to tatters

First thought.

OMG That was not what I expected. That was sooooooooo far from what I expected. I was simply looking for a pat on the back. What does it mean? Am I afraid? Why does she bring me to tears? Easy now. It's just one more sign along the path. One more voice too long dismissed. Steady on and trust your heart. Tomorrow may not be what you expect but it is what you make it.

Good and Evil part 2

I punch the clock and swim against the current towards the door. Stop at my desk and sit again, the pressure of the air holding me at my computer. Breath. Check the traffic, check the mail, check the news, leg bouncing. Must leave. Sigh, climb up and say goodbyes. Drive home, sit in traffic, listen to the radio, think... about... nothing. Skin tightens, pulls chest in, tightens guts. Quick breath, sigh, open door, "Hey kiddo, how was school?". Wander about, eat dinner, do a little of this, a little of that, Back to the kitchen, open the cupboard, yes, I hear you. One more handful. Loop around a little later, hold me please, make me whole. A nibble of this then a nibble of that but always one more handful. Though I hate Kraft Dinner, the crackers, white cheddar... Salty shadow lover, monkey on my back. Mistress of pure evil.

Good and Evil Part 1

What is God? Who? Where? Need a One Touch, no one has the One Touch Got a substitute... It's even rechargeable. Will it work? Don't know until I try she said. ..... wait three weeks then get blasted as insensitive because the substitute is substandard. Not substandard, just unusable. It requires more strength than she can muster Not my fault. Not my fault. Not my fault. Spiteful, bitter, not my fault Favourite Friday flyer... What? 55% off? I'll have to pick one up. Forget, 3 times. Laugh about it Wednesday, there's still time. Thursday, last day, rush out of Walmart, down the street to Crappy Tire. Is the One Touch still on sale? The young lady said "it is, sale ends today." I had entered the parking lot at 8:53pm, I made it. Thank God.

Where is Tomorrow?

Bukrah Ensha Allah What a wonderful philosophy, don't sweat today cause tomorrow, God willing, it's gonna be okay. What good did it do? The plans, the thoughts, the dreams. They went astray one grey yesterday. Too many grey yesterdays. Hope floats, it bobs and sways, it ebbs and flows on the tide of life. Where is tomorrow? Tomorrow's waiting to be made, patient and demanding. Make tomorrow or suffer another grey today.