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Showing posts from December, 2017

The Norman Bethune Centre for the Study of Ethics and International Relations

Few would argue that the world we live in is perfect, most might go so far as to contend that perfection on earth is an unattainable goal but the fact remains that our civilization will eventually collapse if we don't find a sustainable model by which to live. Religious, ethnic and cultural differences have, throughout recorded history, been used to justify the divisions which keep humanity from achieving meaningful peace. The truth is, we live on a planet of abundance and humanity has all of the necessary tools at our disposal to achieve well being for all of it's inhabitants. So what stands in the way? The current trajectory of human evolution, to my eye at least, would suggest that we made a wrong turn somewhere, probably around Albuquerque; we relentlessly pollute our air and water, the very essentials of healthy life, we squander our resources in the name of consumer convenience and profits. Assuming you subscribe to the theory of evolution, the ability to manipulat

The Great Sadness

The forest whispers voices long gone silent The bear cub paces, trapped by all this violence She stands alone at the edge of the abyss She's just a junkie no one'll ever miss A spec of light she knows is always there To wrap her soul within it's loving care I feel the sadness of a hundred thousand Braves We their tears, the ones we should have saved.

Through the Maze of Empty Gaze

I look about without seeing I see without understanding I elevate myself without justification I turn and turn the doldrums in my mind I know but fear to act I suffer beneath my own attack Blindly knowing yet still I question In truth I trust but not in me Empty now, the hollow tree Too many times I pace this path To nowhere, here, there and back Sad and alone, it's you I lack

Angel Investors needed

What is the definition of an Angel Investor? One who invests early in the business development process when risk is highest. The benefit to the investor is that they will see a much greater reward if the idea comes successfully to fruition. I have an opportunity for an Angel Investor which is a little different, you see, as a person living in Muskoka Canada and living a life of modest means, I became painfully aware of the shortage of affordable housing. For those of you who aren't familiar with the area, Muskoka is the cottage country located a couple of hours north of Toronto, a typical tourism based economy has been promoted with all of the associated pitfalls. A combination of low wages and seasonal work makes it difficult to have the stability required to own a home for a large part of the local population. Any disruption in livelihood such as injury or mental illness {opiate abuse and alcoholism particularly} can make it impossible to regain a footing in stable society. T

Songs from Little Pink

The Back Story: When I went to live in Riyadh, I took several books on design and 2 CDs, an Elton John compilation and Up to Here by The Tragically Hip, I think that's as close as anyone can get to an actual desert island disk. Riyadh, if you were unaware, is smack dab in the middle of the desert, hundreds of miles from the Red Sea to the west and the Persian Gulf to the east. My own artistic exploration has been made possible by those who came before me, writers like Kerouac, Hunter S. and Hemingway; a simple premise, surround yourself with interesting people and live an interesting life; do that and people will be interested in reading about it. My story's nothing more than a mash up of tributes and inspirations. Lately, I've been liquidating my assets in an effort to live what I refer to as a "Buddha Approved" lifestyle, to me, that means being as humble as possible and putting others before myself. People like Bono and Gord Downie have taught me that you