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Showing posts from January, 2009


Never have I known pain like this I know what I want but still; the doubt Crushing weight upon my heart Unilateral withdrawl creates her void Her pain for which my guilt consumes me Hope is gone, the glimmer flattened by relentless sadness I know, I know but can't admit The future is the past unless direction changes Fifteen years of squandered time Always knowing in back of mind It's wrong, it's hollow, it's better than nought So now I face it once again It's time I choose to live Alone and desperate, dire and doubting Or free and prosperous I can not see, I wish I could not feel

work in progress...

Escapism is the currency Of the bankrupted heart. Two walls collide, a dark place to hide Fetal curl, small, small, get small For years, decades, centuries no doubt Bitter, empty, lonely, lashing out Lifelong friends are hard to find but fear has never left me behind
Empty, aching, all alone Living together, clones and drones without purpose Charged molecules bouncing through the ether Millions and billions without direction We are denizens of the pods waiting for Morpheus Awakening is what we seek though most don't know Our energy's wasted, drained for naught Inertia without order wears at the soul Each time a particle floats near the attractions rise Rising though the particle has passed Attraction peaks and as inertia overcomes the bond We spin off again Is there a molecule in this universe with which to bond? An energy to fuse When two molecules meet in the right aspect Two molecules charged for each other Missing links complete synthesis Through time and space the energies coalesce and two become one.
The whales at play they make big waves Dance with ease on clear blue seas 20 tonnes to pirouette Now that’s a sight you’ll not forget The wolf cubs wrestle growl and bite Instinct teaches life’s mean plight The young hunter’s time will come When sad destiny destroys his innocence And hunger reigns o’er his kingdom

Handy man

Ecstatic, giddy, self deprecating joy TWO AND A HALF HOURS!!!!! I am a genius, I can take it all apart and put it back together. Who the hell needs instructions? It’s a simple fan motor assembly and it’s 30 years old That must be the problem Find a cord with a switch (good thing I saved that junk!!) Hey it works!!!! So much for theory #1 Check the switch, is there power when the thermostat kicks on? No????? OK better find the fuse, but which one?????? NONE OF THE FUCKING FUSES ARE LABELED!!!!!! Try this....?????? It does bupkiss!!!! Wait number 7..... use the tester..... it’s a good fuse.... NO!!!! It can’t be!!!!!!!!! Nothing more than a loose fuse. Rule number 1....... Check the fuses first!!!!! The world's most brilliant ass.
I am the Prince of Darkness come to you again The shadow of your desires, mirror of your dreams When you settle into thought, your world becomes my own When you let me, in I creep, to repossess your will Run you may, distract you must, to keep the pain at bay For shadows seep before my feet to fill your mind with doubt Heavy limbs and aches and pains Movement in the shadows is nigh impossible Where will you go, what will you do? Nothing out there for the likes of you Just hang your head in shame and dread as my weight bears down upon you Now I lay you down to sleep no soul have you to keep A fetal curl, protect yourself in a warm safe blanket of slumber Better yet, get a hit of whatever makes you number Run, find a friend, can you find one who wants you Listen, listen carefully, do you hear the clock is ticking? My pacing heels are clicking, dark sentry standing guard outside The dark corner in which you reside. I am Ra, I am the light, Joyous rapture day and night I am hope eternal Th