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Showing posts from January, 2017

When Life Gives Lemons

This is an old maxim , you all know the answer right? This saying, and so many like it, exemplify the foundations of the self-help movement, people will flock to you, all you have to do is just offer them a simplistic catch phrase. Something that encapsulates life's down side that everyone can identify with yet offers the hope of an easy, do-it-yourself quick-fix. 5min abs my ass! How do I create a catch phrase like that? You know, a pithy witticism as bait hiding a barbed treble hook of ubiquity beneath it. I was listening to Subliminal the other day and thinking about what the people in power might have been listening to growing up; as odd a segue as that may seem it brought me to thinking of how the art of manipulation has evolved over the years. How do I go about accomplishing my goal of subverting popular culture from self-serving game zombies into willing participants in the largest global charitable event the world has ever seen. Here's the elevator p