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Showing posts from December, 2013


Breath in the positive, it surrounds you Let it wash out the negative it suppresses you Strength is internal, the answers are there Trust and faith in the direction chosen Reality is current and the future unwritten Some things cannot be changed and some must be The choice is to continue or..... There is no option, Failure is to give up, success it persevere Lead by example and overcome Imagination is a double edged sword


Arms wrap around, sinking into warmth Safe harbor from the storm of life Brief respite from the strife None can harm me when I'm here The world endures it's own temult Endless, senseless, the assault Dreams have come and dreams have gone Dispersed in time by what is real All is gone of former zeal The road ahead lays cloaked in mist The goal it seems is out of reach With heart and soul I do beseach So much I want to stay right here Search do I, search anon For strength of will to carry on

Guerrilla Therapy

This is what started it all, just in case you were wondering, we discovered the leftovers from Nuit Blanche with a pile of books that had not seen the light of day since the separation. Not sure how old they are, my guess would be 2008, that was during the first break and the beginning of the long and winding road that seems to have no end. The hills are steep these days so it's nice to remind myself that there were times when the end was within my grasp, the distance to the goal does not change, merely your perspective makes it seem farther. This was my guerrilla poetry, printed on cards and handed to random strangers in the middle of a dark cold night. Most assumed it was an ad and flipped it over searching for the closer only to be forced to wrap their mind around the unfamiliar concept of poetry for the sake of poetry. It was a great satisfaction, among the big budget of high brow art and influence, to find my own niche and make my statement whispered in the brisk November wi


The wind blows, the leaves fall, the time comes to leave it all Withered faces duck and crawl, the revelers avoid the wall Shadow creatures hide their features Black and blue know not what to do The trolls can have their cake and eat it too as well and also led astray in monkey hands with our Faye Raye the keys are just the means to end r@ndumb thoughts to you I send Will it break the dreadful drought or joyful hearts carols ring out Now retire for day's at end and sleepy thought to you I'll send Cuddle up and share the warmth, forget the rhyme you silly Sharmth  heeheehee


What is the hardest thing in this world to find? Is it truth? Eternal Youth? Is there such a thing as eternal right? Infinite sight? From where does fear originate? In ignorance? Or is that the source of Bliss? Are you looking for love in all the wrong places? Too many faces? When all the cards fall into place does time abandon it's useless chase? Fade to black We ask the questions that none can answer yet some do With earnest face and elder's cloak our guide gives us what we need Teachers beget teachers and leaders tell us what we need to hear Spotlight bottom left Standing there regarding darkness the sage finds the answer Tomorrow we shall all know where and why Tomorrow we shall all know how to fly Fast forward Lights flash a million scenes a second, information overload Who do you trust when tradition breaks down? Where do we turn or just abandon hope? Humanity needs divinity to justify what's right but divinity is dying by degrees If God is d

Darkest Night

Welcome not the dawn of light Welcome now the dead of night Shivers greet the eerie calm Stillness feels completely wrong Something lurks beyond what's seen Something from a restless dream The spirit here is out of tune The evil deed is coming soon On and on along dark path Each step lighter than the last Left alone by waning  moon All around uncertain doom What it is cannot be known The evil face cannot be shown Welcome now the still of night Put away the unjust fright Worry not for time that's stealing This is the time of calm and healing Upon my chest your head to lay Tomorrow brings us what it may

I Am

I am I am I am Superman Let it fill in for you, let it resonate Hollow and haunting but not about you Delusions of grandeur, of things I could do The lengths I'd go to in search of the dream Walking on eggshells amid fragile scheme A million lightning strikes excite the night Possibility is endless so on I must fight Alone I can't do it so the vision I share With those who take the time to care Tomorrow is not what was in the forcast Tomorrow though, is home at last.


Chill is in the air, inside the covers hide Dawn looks warm, a lie, so cold outside Enough reason to cocoon a while Excuses to avoid this day's trials To seek the truth, sounds such a noble quest But what if real is not what you had guessed What if fear truly had a face Smiling down, resolve erased All year round the birds I hear They try so hard to share their cheer To call the sun with warbled song The doubt I feel does not belong A mantra now is forced to spread Through groggy shadows in my head One thought again I've stressed To walk this path I'm truly blessed To carry faith and not forsake Is how I choose to greet day break.