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Showing posts from July, 2011


some things were not meant to be is there solace or insult in that what are you waiting for? you, i can't believe i found you you found me and i found you you were looking for me? all my life have you known for so long? there are none like me just the one can i be me for you will you let me enjoy in my own peculiar way i can offer what you've only dared dream of i could not ask that of you you didn't so you would give freely? i would give gladly and what do you want of me enjoy some things were meant to be can i take you to the moon? lead me where you will do you like the view very much this is a wonderful place to be i thoroughly agree there's something that's turned out wrong are we not where you want to be? yes am i not who you want me to be perfect in every way then how can something wrong i'm not what i portrayed me to be but why did you take me to the moon to tell me this is where i like to be then here you'll be free daggers and roses and sweet cool w

New Day

a new day a new begining a little better than the last a little slimmer, sleeker moving fast a new day a new opportunity a little better than before a little stronger in the mental war


chewed up and spat out i can see it coming sitting here consumed with fear weak pathetic self serving doubt get up and move do what must be done and leave pity behind like so many times before opportunity is slipping by lip service is not enough this time hello, are you listening what the fuck are you still doing here?

50 words

words like sad and angry words like nervous and fear words like stop it and shame words like harder, trying and tear blocked mind static energy churning burning and moving not the path shrouded in smoke of battles fought casualties all we march to an unknown future the strong survive the weak hide down here


the future i want is loosely envisioned the road map to get there is understood time now to start to formalize, prioritize, exercise. without structure there is no direction without the target there is no aim going in the right direction is all well but without focus the effort is wasted, the goal will always elude.