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Showing posts from September, 2008
What's the soup of the day Unpleasant whatever it is Cold and bitter My heart's a cauldron roiling, Today though, it's all v ichysoisse Cold and old and bland

Misunderstanding 1

She's happy, I can hear it in her voice "and he does renovations and floors" Should I be impressed? Relieved that she's solved this imminent dilemma . What do I need to do to make her understand? "We can't afford to pay someone to do that job" Yes it takes time Yes I'm overwhelmed with work Still it doesn't change the fact the funds just are not there. Aaaahhhhh , this bitterness is poison blood, squeezing on my heart.

It's not a love song.

Hey little girl, is your Daddy home Did he go away and leave you all alone, Uh huh, I got a bad desire Oh, oh, Oh I’m on Fire Tell me now baby is he good to you And can he do to you the things I don’t do Mmhmmm, I can take you higher. Oh, ooooooh, Oooooh I’m on Fire Sometimes it’s like someone took a knife baby edgy and dull And cut a six inch valley through the middle of my skull, At night I wake up with the sheets soakin’ wet And a freight train runnin’ through the middle of my head Only you can cool my desire Oh, ooooh, Ooooh I’m on Fire Oh, ooooh, Ooooh I’m on Fire Bruce Springsteen

You tell me

Fear Anger Regret The beast returned tonight Waiting, waiting, waiting He had to bide his time Sure enough when patience wore too thin Run Run Run as fast as you can Wear away the strain, balance must be regained Tomorrow to explain and try try try again


How did it come about this balttle while the boy and I were out A nice dinner with my folks some marshmellows to roast So peaceful, modern Rockwellesque. I knew the call would come, a goodnight from mother to son. But when my name was called, up did come the rising dread I've blocked out most of what was said, but one thing sticks out in my head The nagging thorn that's in my side, "it's your fault that he is so mean" No respect's what Rodney said, so true it seems in this context Am I so bad? I don't think so, He's a composite of me and her and most of all the TV set But the effect is done, the ire raised, the evening clouded with a haze I meditate a little, get my mind back upright, Focus on the ones who care and rest my weary soul We'll do the best we can and keep in mind a long term plan With no map or thought to guide us on We'll soldier through because we see The light that shines ahead A new day and joys to spread.


I met a girl today, now I really don’t know what to say I met a girl today who made me feel I met a girl today she saw the things my heart conceals I met a girl today who cared I met a girl today who listened I met a girl today who knows Today I met a girl in pain, I hope that knowing this will help The scary thing to think about is that today I've met myself.


I am the Prince of Darkness come to you again The shadow of your desires, mirror of your dreams When you settle into thought your world becomes my own When you let me in I creep to reposess your will Run you may, distract you must, to keep the pain at bay For shadows creep before my feet to fill your mind with pain